Author: stannah

World Stroke Day: Focusing on the Future and Recovering from a Stroke

World Stroke Day: Focusing on the Future and Recovering from a Stroke

Written by stannah

Did you know a stroke can happen to anyone, at any age? And did you know strokes are a leading cause of death and disability globally? And because of this, it impacts everyone. The person who suffers from a stroke, their family, friends and communities. That is why post-stroke support is so important, and why we […]

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Interview: what questions should you ask?

Celebrating life: how oral history can help preserve our stories

Written by stannah

Ever met someone whose life story you thought should be shared with the world? How would you go about doing that? As a method of collecting life stories through recorded interviews, oral history gives us the chance to record, preserve and share those incredible and wonderful stories! Peoples’ lives are full of trials and tribulations, […]

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Vitamin D: nutrition and sunshine to keep us healthy

Vitamin D: nutrition and sunshine to keep us healthy

Written by stannah

About 88% of the population of the world is Vitamin D deficient. This statistic, which shows that the majority of the population of the world lacks Vitamin D, may come as a shock to many people. After all, when you consider the number of people who live in sunny climates, you would expect the percentage […]

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How can swimming improve balance and reduce risk of falling?

How can swimming improve balance?

Written by stannah

We’ve all heard about how a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of developing life-threatening health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. However, we really don’t hear much about how important it is to improve our sense of balance and how doing so can go a long way in fall prevention, especially as we […]

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Multiple Sclerosis: the disease with a thousand faces

Written by stannah

World Multiple Sclerosis Day is an initiative of the MS International Federation and its support networks for raising awareness about MS and the importance of research in the search for a cure. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is also known as “the disease with a thousand faces”. And why a thousand faces? Because each person diagnosed with […]

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Bunions – what they are and how to treat and prevent them

Bunions: what they are and how to treat and prevent them

Written by stannah

Did you know that together, your foot and ankle have 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments? It almost sounds unbelievable that it all fits into such a small part of our bodies! And have you ever stopped to think about the impact our feet have on our quality of […]

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