Knee pain: know the symptoms, causes and prevention measures
Written by Stannah

When you, or someone you know, experience severe knee pain caused either by knee injury or osteoarthritic disease or even Rheumatoid Arthritis, you’ll know how distressing and painful it can be walking 200 yards to the grocery store, complete your everyday activities, getting in and out of the bath or walk up and down the stairs, just to name a few examples.
While a knee injury may get better with time, knee pain caused by Arthritis is a degenerative process. Sometimes, a knee injury can even result in a premature Osteoarthritic manifestation in that specific knee joint.
This is perhaps unsurprising, as everyone knows at least one person who suffers from knee pain, whether from injury, Arthritis, or Osteoporosis. While there is no denying that our bodies will wear down as we age, it doesn’t mean we are all doomed.
As we age, we start thinking about the elderly we know who are afflicted with arthritis, and it’s not uncommon to wonder how they are able to cope with the pain and mobility issues. Especially when you work at Stannah, you are fortunate enough to be exposed to all these inspirational and beautiful testimonials from our customers, who are true heroes! Their life stories make us even more thoughtful of what our customers go through, particularly those who suffer from knee joint pain, and how it has such a significant impact on their daily routines.
But why are humans so prone to suffering from knee pain and injuries? That is the question!
Scientifically speaking, as stated by Jennifer Ackerman in the National Geographic Magazine, the answer to that question is related to the Downside of Upright. In other words: “We can stand, walk, and run with grace and endurance, but we suffer aching feet and knee injuries; we can twist and torque our spines, and yet most of us are plagued by back trouble at some point in our lives”.
Whether it is out of curiosity or if you’re already afflicted by knee pain, you may want to continue reading this blog piece. We will answer your questions about knee pain and provide you an insight into the knee joint degenerative process and some of the preventive measures you can take.
What is the knee function?
According to Jennifer Ackermen’s essay on “The Downside of Upright”, and as stated by Scott Dye, the knee joint is a “360-million-year-old structure beautifully designed to do its job of transferring load between limbs.” However, in standing upright, we have imposed more stress and pressure on our knees, ankles and feet. In fact, knee joints are among the most easily injured joints in the human body, and they can cost a million a year in the United States.
“Medical procedures involving knees total a million a year in the United States.”
This may sound daunting for those experiencing difficulties with knee pain or worried about their loved ones, and with good reason: knee pain or injury can result from mobility limitations. Knees are meant to provide the body with stability and flexibility. They also allow the legs to bend and straighten. Both flexibility and stability are necessary if we want to stand, walk, run, kneel, jump, or turn and have a normal life.
Because knees don’t work alone, there are other parts of the body that help knees fulfil their function, such as:
- Bones
- Cartilage
- Muscles
- Ligaments
- Tendons
If any of the parts mentioned are damaged or injured, it can cause severe knee pain. While some will focus on the pain and become overwhelmed with negative emotions, others will feel compelled to look for answers about the causes and what can be done to get better.
What is the cause of knee pain?
Pain exists for an evolutionary reason. It is like a message from our brain to make us aware that something is not right with our bodies and needs our immediate attention.
“One of the principle qualities of pain is that it demands an explanation.”
in Plainwater, by Anne Carson
Right now, our focus is to understand what can cause knee pain. In fact, men, women and children can suffer from knee pain. It can happen to anyone at any stage of life. However, it is more common as we grow older.
Let’s have a look at some knee injuries that can result in severe knee pain:
- Sudden movements or twists, strains and injuries to the ligaments and tendons that connect and support the knee structure;
- A tear in the meniscus (rubbery C-shaped disc that cushions your knee)
- Fracture of the kneecap (circular-triangular bone which articulates with the femur)
- Kneecap dislocation
- Overuse injuries or inflammation after repetitive or prolonged pressure on the knee (stairclimbing, bicycle riding, jogging, jumping) or after surgery.
Athletes or Individuals whose job implies repetitive stress on the knees are at a considerable risk of developing a knee injury.
And that’s not all.
There is no certainty about what causes knee arthritis. Most researchers believe that it is a combination of factors:
- Muscle weakness
- Weight gain (obesity)
- Heredity
- Joint injury or repetitive stress
- Constant exposure to the cold
- Ageing.
What is the difference between Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA)?
In fact, knee arthritis can be caused by a variety of conditions. Among the many causes, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA) are the most common:
- Osteoarthritis is prevalent at older ages and has become virtually universal. So, sooner or later, our knees will start to fail. It is a continuous wearing out process, also known as “degenerative joint disease” that causes the cushion layer between knee bones, or cartilage to wear away and become thinner. Bone deformities increase the risk for Osteoarthritis in the knee since the joints are already malformed and may contain defective cartilage.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis is a common type of autoimmune disease that manifests as persistent inflammatory arthritis. It usually affects joints symmetrically, resulting in joint damage and systemic reactions. Specifically, knee arthritis is inflammation that occurs in the knee articulation. The inflammation caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis can progressively destroy the cartilage and bone around the knee joint.
Although these two conditions are distinct types of Arthritis, they share similar characteristics, but there are differences in their symptoms. Let’s have a look:
- RA affects joints and surrounding musculature, whereas OA affects only the joints.
- RA is genetically passed and can manifest anytime during someone’s lifespan, whereas OA usually affects people in the latter stages of life.
- RA gets quickly and progressively worse, whereas OA is a slower degenerative process.
- RA is more severe than OS.
What are the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in the knee?
Detecting RA in its initial stages can be challenging, and you may well be wondering: What symptoms should I be aware of?
Symptoms can be especially present in the morning or after a long period of inactivity. For instance:
- Morning joint stiffness: While knee joint stiffness from OA can subside half an hour later, knee joint stiffness from RA will last much longer, possibly for a good chunk of the day.
- The cartilage in the knee begins to break down, leaving the bones rubbing against each other as you walk.
- Swelling or fluid around several joints at the same time, mostly wrists, hands, fingers and knee joints.
- The same joints are affected on both sides of your body.
- Firm lumps under the skin (rheumatoid nodules).
- Ongoing fatigue and low-grade fever.
- Loss of appetite.
After high-impact exercise, you may feel stiffness and swollen knees, and pain will increase. It is very likely that you won’t be able to move your knees as easily as you did before.
On the other hand, if the only thing you feel is noisy knees whenever you get up, this may seem very common. Everyone has experienced noisy knees, but it is important to learn how to tell the difference between what is normal and what could be a sign of Arthritis.
Stannah took things a step further by creating a direct physical experience that could simulate several arthritic conditions (Arthritis Suite Experience). There is no better way to empathize with and understand the symptoms of RA than to feel them on your own skin. This specially engineered suit is composed of straps containing pebbles to simulate discomfort and the crackling sensation in your articulations. It turns out knees and hands were the most painful spots and the most physically impairing.
How is it living with Osteoarthritis (OA)?
As we age, it’s common to feel that our joints are less flexible. Getting old is not a painless process. If you are not sure about OA, you may want to be informed of its causes and symptoms.
As for the cause of OA, it is not completely unveiled, although it appears to be a hereditary factor and that it is a condition that will most likely develop with age. Women are more likely to be affected by OA than men after the age of 50. However, the first symptoms can appear in your forties and progress slowly.
The most common affection of OA is the wear and tear of cartilage. Cartilage covers the bone extremities and allows them to move one against the other softly. However, if you have OA, this articular cartilage starts deteriorating gradually and becomes thinner.
A healthy knee will bend and straighten without any pain, thanks to this soft and spongy tissue that covers and protects the bone extremities of the knees. As people age, deterioration of cartilage can occur, and bone friction can cause pain.
Women are more likely to be affected by osteoarthritis than men after the age of 50.
In some cases, OA may even cause problems with mobility, and people can find simple tasks very difficult, such as carrying things up and down the stairs unaided or without using the handrail.
While exercise is not the cause of OA, an injury resulting from excessive exercise or accident may lead to an Osteoarthritic condition.
There are several factors determine the onset of OA:
- Age: the ability of the cartilage to repair will decrease with age.
- Heritage: Some genes are associated with OA. Having arched legs or very joint knees/articular lassitude can increase the risk of this disease.
- Weight: The more you weigh, the more effort your knees make, and it will affect your articulations.
- Injury: a previous knee injury, like a sports injury, can cause OA in the future.
- Excessive use: People who kneel or bend frequently, lift heavy objects, or walk frequently as part of their work are more vulnerable to knee injuries or wear. This will make them more prone to develop OA in the future.
- Other diseases, such as people with lupus and Lyme, have a higher probability of developing OA.
Bearing in mind that OA will get worse with time, the sooner you start prevention, the better.
How do you treat inflammation and stiffness in the knees?
Although there is no cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA), there are treatments that can lower joint inflammation and pain. Early and aggressive treatments are key to slowing or stopping arthritis. If you are at the initial stages of any of these conditions, you must focus on preventing joint damage by sparing them for as long as possible.
If the pain is unbearable, your doctor can prescribe you some medication. Usually, using painkillers or steroid injections on the affected area can provide immediate relief. However, because of all the secondary effects, you should know there are alternatives:
- Rubbing anti-inflammatory cream on your knees to relieve pain and swelling;
- A physiotherapist can teach you some exercises to help you increase the range of movement you can do to strengthen the muscles around your knee without causing further damage.
On the other hand, if the pain is bearable but still affects your daily routine, your doctor can recommend some changes in your lifestyle to protect articulation and slow down the degeneration of cartilage. So, this is the path towards a healthier lifestyle:
- Minimal-impact exercise: Walking, swimming, and water aerobics are the best options. Remember to use adequate footwear that lowers the impact on knee joints while walking. However, it is advisable to take a short break from exercise when you have a flare-up.
- Exercise your quadriceps: Always exercise your quadriceps with minimal impact. Strengthening your hip muscles will increase your movement capacity and relieve knee pain.
- A splint can provide joint or bone support and relieve pain and discomfort.
- Take glucosamine supplements to relieve mild symptoms. Glucosamine is a chemical that can naturally be found in the cartilage, and it is believed that its ingestion might help build up new cartilage.
- Diet: Although there isn’t a specific diet for this condition, some people find that foods high in fat and dairy worsen symptoms and inflammation. On the other hand, they find relief with the regular ingestion of Omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, tofu, and walnuts. A Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, cereals, vegetables, and olive oil, can also improve physical functioning and vitality.
- Lose weight: If you have excess weight, your OA can get worse. Losing a few pounds can make a difference in the amount of tension on your knee. So, keep your weight as close as possible to the ideal for your height and age.
- Rest and spare your knee when it is hurting.
- Acupuncture has been practised for more than 3000 years and is thought to relieve pain by stimulating certain parts of the body and releasing neurochemicals.
- Vitamin D: Research suggests women in the northeastern U.S. are at greater risk of RA than those in sunnier regions. Lack of sun can cause vitamin D deficiency, which has been linked with other autoimmune diseases. However, be extra careful and use a high-protection sunscreen.
Studies suggest that people who receive prompt treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis feel better sooner and more often and are more likely to lead an active life. They are also less likely to have the type of joint damage that leads to joint surgery or joint replacement.
However, if the previous changes in your lifestyle did not work on your severely damage knee joint, causing you physical impairment, surgery could be the definite option. The most common 3 interventions are:
- Artroscopia: Removal of any loose pieces of cartilage to soften the cartilage surface. Depending on how advanced the osteoarthritis is, the less effective this procedure will be.
- Osteotomia: It implies cutting part of the bone near the knee to reduce tension on the knee.
- Knee replacement: This can involve partial replacement of the injured parts or total replacement of the knee by an articular prosthesis.
After knee surgery, the recovery process can take over 12 weeks. During these critical weeks of recovery, patients must be extremely careful because the slightest effort or tension on the knee can lead to a litany of complications.
While some individuals suffering from any of these conditions may develop health complications, many can be avoided by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a preventive approach focused on symptom management.
Nevertheless, the importance of preventive measures is often neglected, but Stannah highlights prevention as a key factor in delaying the development of this seemingly inevitable condition.
A stairlift to spare your knees
If you are prone to knee joint damage and pain, be cautious with any activity that puts pressure or tension on your knee joints, like heavy lifting or climbing up and down the stairs carrying weight. Moreover, our customers tell us that using the stairs happens to be the first activity in which knees start to hurt.
Why do knees hurt when climbing up the stairs?
Knees often hurt going up or down stairs. But why does this happen? With all the information provided within this blog, you’ll be able to identify the reason very easily: the kneecap is forced to slide up and down over the femur more than usual. If the cartilage is worn down, you may feel pain as the bones rub on rough cartilage.
You really should spare your knees and energy for more pleasurable activities. By doing this, you will be able to slow down or reverse knee joint damage.
Mobility appliances and devices, such as walking sticks, adequate footwear, and stairlifts, have modest benefits but can provide some relief as you spare your knees from constant tension. It is never too much of a reminder that if you spare your knees, you might also avoid surgery intervention and maintain independence longer. Loss of independence fuels other problems, from depression to weight gain and sleep disruption.
The importance of being active cannot be understated, but when it comes to daily routines, like carrying things up and down stairs, it can harm you more than benefit, making knee joint problems get worse or resulting in severe cartilage degradation.
Therefore, for those who are active but still have difficulty traversing the stairs in their homes, a stairlift is a perfect complementary and preventive option.
This statement finds proof not only in our knowledgeable employees but mainly in recent research from Stannah across several European countries and the United States market. This research has shown that joint pain is one of the main causes of mobility issues.
- 50 % of stairlift users have knee joint problems;
- 61% of potential users have knee joint problems.
In fact, 50% of stairlift users have joint problems, and 61% of potential users have reported knee/joint problems.
So, this is evidence that knee problems are particularly common and cause physical impairment that makes climbing stairs more difficult and even dangerous.
From another perspective, knee joint issues represent 50% of mobility issues, among others:
- Skeletal (knee joints) 50 %;
- Fatigue (32%);
- Balance/stability (30%);
- Respiratory (23%);
- Cardiovascular (21%);
- Neurological (14%);
- Visual (12%).
Although RA and OA symptoms can become incapacitating, your parents may choose to stay at home, and you’ll have concerns about how they will traverse the stairs in their home without assistance.
Prevention is care
Prevention is better than cure. Especially when something has no cure, such as the case of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA).
More than half of potential users consider stairlifts an engineering solution that provides a real benefit in everyday life. We try to stress that prevention comes first and provide customers with useful and educational information. Stairlifts have been considered both a preventive measure and a solution.
Stannah really cares about customers and understands the extent of difficulty they experience when using the stairs. Being able to empathize with our customers is crucial to developing a more accurate understanding of their needs. This sort of empathy is a key factor in designing the best products for our customers. While the technical aspects are important, we also spend a substantial amount of time reviewing the literature concerning ageing so that we can better understand and relate to our customers.
By the end of the day, we feel fortunate to witness the most inspiring stories of customers who have been through all the struggles of coming of age and arthritis. It is always an emotional journey, and we understand how coping with pain, limitation, frustration, and dependency may affect our elders psychologically.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
By Benjamin Franklin
So, if you have a loved one, a friend or a colleague who suffers from knee pain, you may be able to picture the real obstacles they face. However, we must understand that it can be very stressful for them to accept their condition and their physical limitations. Apart from the pain, the inability to move freely within their home can create a sense of hopelessness and loss of control and even depression. It is difficult for our loved ones to understand they may no longer be capable of performing certain tasks. It is not uncommon for them to continue attempting their normal routine even if they physically are no longer able to.
As a caregiver, you want to have the peace of mind of knowing your relative is safe and secure and has the freedom to move about their entire home with complete independence.
Although there might be no definite solution for knee pain or knee issues, a stairlift can help prevent further damage to your knee joint.
Hopefully, this blog has upgraded your understanding of knee joint issues. Better treatments and definite solutions would be great, but comprehension and empathy are always a good start on the path towards prevention.
Prevention is care!